Clean with futuristic feel - Time Traveller XX
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Another Watchface Coupons

Time Traveller XVI

Back to classic, retro fused with modern typeface.

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Time Traveller XXIV

We are back to the FUTURE! Animated watchface with 2 app shortcuts! See more here -->

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Varlane 1

From the same team who brought you the TIME TRAVELLER Series, here comes VARLANE - minimalist watch faces without compromising the complications a smart watch should have.

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Time Traveller XIX

A bit GRUNGE, more MODERN fused with classic look - TIME TRAVELLER XIX! Appreciate an honest review in the store if you happen to use the coupon. It helps us developer a lot! Thanks.

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Clean and modern look with a 'military' feel! This watch face features different colours (through double tap) to match your daily vibes - pls visit the store for more info-->

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Time Traveller VI

Visit the store for more details -->

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Time Traveller XVII

Modern. yet, classic! Time Traveller XVII features a clean, easy to look at watch face with 2 App switchers and default Phone shortcut (through double tap). Addtitional feature includes a 12/24 hr digital watch (syncs with phone), a digital step counter and heart rate monitoring (BPM). This watchface supports always on display (AOD). Visit the store for more details.

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Time Traveller XII

Retro with colour combinations through double tap. Visit the store for more info

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Time Traveller XV-HE1

Vector on the side of the BPM counter changes to the following colours:- Green - BPM less than 90 Yellow - BPM 90 to 150 Red - BPM above 150 Tags: modern, health, sports Coupons limited to 30 country. Appreciate your positive comments on Galaxy Store. Thanks

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Time Traveller XIV

Following the retro/ vintage or modern and clean design of Time Traveller Series, 1040 & Co is bringing back the same intricate level of details, this time for the MK XIV... This watch face has multiple colour combinations (watch font and background) to suit your everyday style. Just double tap on the areas as shown in the visual 'posters'. The color sequence are as follows:- Updated with more colors! retro, vintage, premium, details

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